The above photo shows it all scattered around! Then we went back yesterday and we saw progress!! Here is what they had done when we got there yesterday evening:

We are meeting with a home audio guy on Friday morning to see about running our wires for the surround sound in the family room and then after that we will be meeting with the cabinet guy to discuss cabinets!! It's getting really exciting now. Betty and I went to Metro Builders Supply today to scope out the appliances. We found some we love. I'm seriously considering getting a convection oven. Anyone have one and like to share their comments about it? I would love to hear from someone who has one. Well, that's about it. Gotta get dinner cooking. Until next time...
I can just hear the masons singing now....
19,000 bricks on the ground
19,000 bricks
Pick one up, stick it to the house,
18,999 bricks on the ground......
I think the colors are pretty darn close.
I think the mortar makes it look darker than it really will be. Brick color is not something I think about all that often though, so I dunno.
Totally go for the convection oven. I had one and LOVED it!! I do not have one right now :(, but I am coping. ha! I think you would like it. You can use it if you want, or not. I think the brick will look fine. Wait until it's all together. It will look totally different.
My mother in law has a regular oven stacked with a microwave that can be a convection oven. She loves the convection because it doesn't heat up the house and cooks baked goods a lot faster than the regular oven. Sounds like the house is coming along nicely!
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